First Post! In this one I’m just going to briefly explain what actually I’m aiming to achieve here; my motivation for making this site; and the rules I will try to stick to.

What this site actually is?

It’s basically going to be a repository of explanations and code snippets detailing some code I’ve written that day. This could be anything from a leetcode/similar problem solution to some project or repository code I’ve been working on and I think it would be good to make a note of.


Well I was bored one Friday in the August of 2022, of course. However, more than just whim I’d like this to keep me more honest about regularly writing code, especially while in university where I could spend days not writing anything just doing boring theoretical bits which are infinitely more important to the degree. Anyway, this should be good to keep regular practice and be in good habits for when programming is needed.


I will try to write about some piece of code every day, but I realise that is a lofty goal and there may very well be days which I can’t do this on. In that case, I can’t really punish myself, but I will be very sad!

Furthermore, I will try to write about a variety of languages, probably whatever I feel like is best suited for that topic rather than anything else, though I am conscious of trying to rely less on scripting languages, e.g. python or javascript and use some actual performant languages for software. But we’ll see how far that gets, especiall with leetcode-type problems it can be much easier to scaffold then flesh out an implementation in something like python over say Rust.

Anyway that’s enough waffle for the first post. Let’s see how this goes.