Today’s problem was 326. Power of Three. Similar to the other problem, power of four. This is trivial with many different solutions possible. I just went for a simple loop dividing by three until you get to 1 or a number which is not divisible by three, and then easy. Simple, O(log3(n)) I guess, because you’re gonna need max floor log3(n) iterations to either get to a number not divisible by three or 1.

Of course another solution would be to have a map for every possible value considering in the signed range there’s only 20 it’d be trivial to list them out.

impl Solution {
    pub fn is_power_of_three(n: i32) -> bool {
        let mut n = n;
        loop {
            let (quot, rem) = (n / 3, n % 3);
            if rem != 0 || quot == 0 {
            n = quot;
        n == 1

Lets see what tomorrow brings.