Today’s problem was 387. First Unique Character in a String.

A fairly easy problem which is quite trivial to solve in linear time and constant space. My basic attempt just used a hashmap to record the number of times a character had been seen, and then uses a quick iterator to get the first char which has a hashmap value of 0.

There are probably some easy optimisations which could be applied here given the restrictions on the input to the problem but I am pretty satisfied with this solution. It ran in approx 30ms and with a small memory footprint.

impl Solution {
    pub fn first_uniq_char(s: String) -> i32 {
        let mut chars = HashMap::<char, i32>::new();
        s.chars().for_each(|c| {
            match chars.get(&c) {
                Some(count) => chars.insert(c, count + 1),
                None => chars.insert(c, 0)
        match s.chars().position(|c| chars.get(&c).unwrap_or(&-1) == &0) {
            Some(i) => i as i32,
            None => -1_i32